The story slowly unfolds from contemporary to a contemporary fantasy world tied to an ancient society. The road to get there is filled with surprises, revelations, love, betrayal, infatuation, old treaties, good friends, and yup...twists. The romance is sweet and YA worthy. The characters I very much invested in from the "good guys" to the "bad guys". I was so invested, that one of those sneaky twists came at me out of nowhere, and my stomach literally "fell" at the raw emotion one character evoked in another. -- A Tale of Many Reviews
HAVEN completely took me by surprise. It's original, fast-paced, and will keep you guessing. The characters you will meet when reading this spectacular book are some of the best villains and friends I personally have ever encountered. Hope Collier succeeds in creating a magnificent imaginative world of action and love that is sure to keep readers engaged. -- The Life of Fiction
My favorite part of reading HAVEN was Collier’s ability to set the scene. She has a way of making you hyper-feel every moment and lose your sense of reality in the process. -- Tori Scott
Hope Collier’s YA Debut, THE WILLOWS: HAVEN is filled with things to love. A unique paranormal premise, an endearing protagonist, a plethora of hot love interest possibilities, and a well-paced plot full of twists and turns designed to keep you guessing. -- The Ending Unplanned
Hope has created a world I haven't seen before. Fantasy is my favorite genre and I was thrilled with her creative, original world building. [...] The plot is thick with mystery, secrets, and twists. Who is really who and what they say they are was a phrase I found myself contemplating throughout the story. [...]This story is well written, smoothly paced, and action packed with a little adventure, a little romance, a little mystery, a little fear, and a bit of mythology all mixed together! I can't wait for the sequel! -- Beverly
From the very beginning I found myself guessing. I enjoy an unpredictable story and HAVEN definitely was unpredictable. -- Cici's Therories
It was like nothing I've ever read before! -- Literature Monsters
If you're looking for a YA paranormal with romance, myth, legends and a new spin on paranormal, this book is for you. -- Charissa Weaks
[HAVEN] sucked me in from the very first word, and I couldn't put it down. -- Layla Messner
If you're looking for something enchanting and romantic, action-packed and a new take on Greek Myth, check it out. A must read for mythology lovers. -- YA Bound
I was on the edge of my seat waiting for [THORN] to be come out. I highly enjoyed it, and can’t wait to see how Gabe and Gracie grow together in the next book! – Juliet
I love [THORN] and the characters SO much!!!! It’s so weird that I relate to the choices Ashton makes all the time. She is strong and brave but not overtly so. Her choices are based on her feelings along with her mind. At first she made decisions based on how things affected her but then she changes(it doesn’t happen over time, it’s like an epiphany) and thinks about how things affect those she’s close to. I’m sure she will grow more into the Queen she’s meant to be but it will be on her own terms. Thorn is a well developed story that captivated me. – Shelly
I really enjoy stories, that are retold from the perspective of another character from the same story. Just being able to get inside Gabe's head, and hearing how much he cares for Ashton is wonderful. In the first book it wasn’t as apparent, I had a feeling he really cared for Ashton, but now after reading [GABE], there’s no questioning how much he loves her. I’m super excited for the next book! -- Juliet
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